Saturday, December 02, 2006

Just a few minutes...

I know, I know, I need to get a Thanksgiving post up, but that is a bunch of pictures, and hopefully will have the time tomorrow.
Today was a busy, yet relaxing day. Austin had his second swim meet (at 8 AM). he got a second and third place in his individual races and they took first place in the boys medley relay!! We then spent a few hours at home, with Bell getting on her coat and hat (it is finally feeling like December weather here), and going outside to play while daddy wrapped up his Fig trees in tar paper and burlap, hoping they will make it through until spring. One of the first things Don said when we talked about buying a house was that he wanted Fig trees. One of the members of our church just happens to have a number of mature trees in his yard and offered Don some cuttings. They grew well over the summer, so hopefully in a few years we will have figs.
Then I got to go out for some "girl time" in the late afternoon while Don stayed with the kids. Sometimes it is just nice to get out for a little while!
Austins friend JD is sleeping over (they are watching X men now, just the boys - Don included!), and had dinner with us. After dinner (burgers, tater tots and carrots - don't know anyone who doesn't like tater tots!), we were sitting around at the table and started throwing around a balloon of Bells that was on the floor. It turned into a major game of keep it up in the air, and even moved from the kitchen into the living room. We gave Bell her punch balloon, which kept her very happy. She was standing in the middle of all of us diving for the balloon, punching away at her balloon!! It is great to spend spontanious time as a family having fun, we had planned on playing a board game, but the balloon was just more fun at the time!

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