Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Heading North....

We are heading to New York and New Jersey for the Holiday weekend. Last year it took us 7 hours on what should be called "Black Wendesday", where travel is concerned. So today we will leave late (8 or 9 pm) to hopefully miss some of the traffic. Of course it is pouring rain here right now, and expected to rain all evening, so it should be a fun drive - although it has been a beautiful day to spend indoors and make some desserts to bring with us. Don and I will split the driving as he is feeling a little under the weather (home from work yesterday with a bug of some sort), and hopefully the kids will sleep most of the ride!
We are looking forward to seeing everyone, and as usually have a busy weekend planned, trying to fit in both family and friends. As well, as usual at Thanksgiving, Aunt Terry and Uncle John will be down from Boston, so it will be wonderful to spend some time with them as well!
Sorry no new pictures, I need to recharge the batteries for the camera, better go do that now so I can bring it along!!
Happy Thanksgiving to all!!

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