Tuesday, December 26, 2006

We had a wonderful, peaceful Chistmas! We got up about 7:45 and opened our stockings, and then went to Church for Christmas morning Mass. It was not very crowded (we heard Christmas Eve mass was packed!), but the Priest did a wonderful sermon. He read the childrens book, A Chirstmas Story, and had some of the little ones up on the alter, right to the point, and not to long! We did not want to have to rush through our presents, so we waited until after church to open them. We had a lot of fun, and Bell loved ripping off the bows, tags and paper!
We all got some really nice gifts. Austin got a remote contorl plane (a gift that was not electronic!!), among many other things. Bell loved her little computer dad bought her (maybe she will keep away from MY keyboard now), and her xylaphone and moraccas!! As you may be able to tell from these pictures, I got a new CAMERA for Christmas!!! Don picked me out a great one and I am SOOO happy to be able to get some good pictures and retire my old one! And Don got a cart to tow behind his lawn mower - boy that was a heavy one for me to get home and hide! - Thanks to our neighbors shed it was not detected!

We had our neighbors in in the evening for a few hours. Bell loves playing with Jessica and Lindsay and ran right up to them when they came in. (Brett and Steph - we missed you guys!!).
It was a nice, relaxing day, as was today. Both days have been rainy, cold and damp, so we have enjoyed staying indoors! Austin just got out of his pajamas to go to his friend JD's house at 4:30 PM!
We hope you all had a wonderful and peace filled Christmas, and we miss you all. Looking forward to our trip north on Wednesday!!

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Go Saints!!!

The Saints beat the Giants today 30 -7.
Way to go SAINTS!!! Superbowl bound.......

Merry CHRISTmas Eve !!!!

Merry Christmas!! We wish you all a wonderful Christmas and a great New Year in 2007.
Yesterday we made Christmas cookies with our friends Jess and Lindsay. The first batch was GONE before I turned around!!

Tonight, Christmas Eve, we had Don's parents and Uncle Ed down for dinner and presents. I took video and mom took all the pictures, so hope to get some to post. This was Bell about 7:30 PM - out cold!! And what a hairdo when she woke up!! Now she is up and watching It's a Wonderful Life with daddy and Austin, and I am going in to join them. Can't beat that, cookies, hot chocolate and my family around me on Christmas Eve!!
Wishing you all Joy and Peace. Todays reading in church told us "Jesus is Peace", and tomorrow we celebrate Jesus!!
Don, Karen, Austin, Isabella and Baby T.

Friday, December 15, 2006

Christmas Parties....

Saturday was the Mothers & More Christmas party. They have wonderful Santa and Mrs. Claus that comes every year for the kids. Most of the kids would sit with Mrs. Claus if they did not want to go to Santa. Bell did not want either and would only go with Austin. Our neighbors Jessica and Lindsay (our great dog watchers!!) came with us as well.
When we got home from that party, we brought Austin and Bell to their house and Chris watched the kids overnight while Don and I went to Pennslyvania to his company Christmas party. Hey, they were paying for a hotel (and we have not been away overnight for 1 1/2 years), so we took advantage of it!! Bell was really good for Chris (other than sleeping 8-10 and then staying up until 1 AM before going back to sleep until morning!).
Don and I had a fun time at the party, it was nice to get to dress up and go out. Nick and Linda were their as well (Bell's Godparents), and it was fun to get to spend some time with them as well. With us in Delaware and them in New Jersey we do not get to see them as often as we would like. Don and Nick are on completely different projects at work now, so they never even get to see each other there. Don and I got to sleep in and go out for a nice relaxing breakfast before coming home. At least it was relaxing until Don got a call from work and we had to stop in there on the way home!! But today is (or hopefully is depending on how the project they are working on today went) his last day for two whole weeks!!! He loves taking off Christmas week, and since he used so little vacation time this year (to busy!), he has two to take. It will be WONDERFUL to have him around, I am so excited.
Anyway, we are looking forward to having Dons parents and Uncle Ed here on Christmas Eve day, and will be spending Christmas day quitely at home. We will go to NY during the week between Christmas and New Years to see everyone there, and back home for New Years.
It was a nice weekend and got us in the Holiday mood.
My parents leave tomorrow for Germany for a "Christmas Markets" cruise down the Danube river, and come home Christmas Eve. Germany in December, brrrrr...

Thanksgiving weekend...

Well the kitchen floor is mopped and Bell is asleep..... so what better time to get some Thanksgiving pics up before it is Christmas already!!
We had a fun Thanksgiving. Well most of us did!! Don did not, as he had some kind of bug and spent a good part of it feeling VERY under the weather. Aunt Terry and Uncle John were in New York for the weekend and it was great to see them, and it was their first time seeing Isabella.

Friday was a beautiful day and we went to the park in Baldwin Harbor with Aunt Elanore and the girls. It is a great park, as there is about 5 playgrounds, each with bigger toys for different age groups. So Bell and I stayed in the little kids part while El took Austin and the girls to the biggest one.

We had a delicious Thanksgiving dinner at Dan and El's house!! And then Aunt El read Bell this book with a spider in it, which Bell loved. (Warning: I would be careful about reading any books with Aunt El, sometimes she bites!)

We had brunch at Steve and Gina's on Saturday morning before leaving NY, and it was great to get to see everyone and Bell got to play with Gianna.

Then we went to New Jersey to see Dons parents and Uncle Ed. We had a nice dinner up in Uncle Ed's apartment, and Bell had a great time playing on the floor with Unc!! She loves playing with the cans of cat food and the cat toys hanging on his door. My camera stinks!! - so we did not get any good pics of this, but I will post the videos next and there is one there.

Saturday, December 02, 2006

Just a few minutes...

I know, I know, I need to get a Thanksgiving post up, but that is a bunch of pictures, and hopefully will have the time tomorrow.
Today was a busy, yet relaxing day. Austin had his second swim meet (at 8 AM). he got a second and third place in his individual races and they took first place in the boys medley relay!! We then spent a few hours at home, with Bell getting on her coat and hat (it is finally feeling like December weather here), and going outside to play while daddy wrapped up his Fig trees in tar paper and burlap, hoping they will make it through until spring. One of the first things Don said when we talked about buying a house was that he wanted Fig trees. One of the members of our church just happens to have a number of mature trees in his yard and offered Don some cuttings. They grew well over the summer, so hopefully in a few years we will have figs.
Then I got to go out for some "girl time" in the late afternoon while Don stayed with the kids. Sometimes it is just nice to get out for a little while!
Austins friend JD is sleeping over (they are watching X men now, just the boys - Don included!), and had dinner with us. After dinner (burgers, tater tots and carrots - don't know anyone who doesn't like tater tots!), we were sitting around at the table and started throwing around a balloon of Bells that was on the floor. It turned into a major game of keep it up in the air, and even moved from the kitchen into the living room. We gave Bell her punch balloon, which kept her very happy. She was standing in the middle of all of us diving for the balloon, punching away at her balloon!! It is great to spend spontanious time as a family having fun, we had planned on playing a board game, but the balloon was just more fun at the time!

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Heading North....

We are heading to New York and New Jersey for the Holiday weekend. Last year it took us 7 hours on what should be called "Black Wendesday", where travel is concerned. So today we will leave late (8 or 9 pm) to hopefully miss some of the traffic. Of course it is pouring rain here right now, and expected to rain all evening, so it should be a fun drive - although it has been a beautiful day to spend indoors and make some desserts to bring with us. Don and I will split the driving as he is feeling a little under the weather (home from work yesterday with a bug of some sort), and hopefully the kids will sleep most of the ride!
We are looking forward to seeing everyone, and as usually have a busy weekend planned, trying to fit in both family and friends. As well, as usual at Thanksgiving, Aunt Terry and Uncle John will be down from Boston, so it will be wonderful to spend some time with them as well!
Sorry no new pictures, I need to recharge the batteries for the camera, better go do that now so I can bring it along!!
Happy Thanksgiving to all!!

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

The fine art of eating...

Some birthday cake pics (from Delaware party).

Also, took this video tonight of Bell eating her applesauce. She is getting the hang of a spoon, and you will notice she is better at using it in her LEFT hand!!

School delay and a house full of boys...

So, in New York we were used to the occasional Snow delay. Buses would be delayed an hour or two due to snowfall. Kids woke up and watched the local TV station to see if "their school" showed up across the bottom of the screen.
But in Delaware we have encountered a new type of school delay, the FOG delay!!! It really does get foggy down here sometimes, and 4 or 5 times last year school was delayed due to fog. Somedays early in the morning we can not see the houses across the street, but two hours is enough for the fog to lift enough for the buses to get through. This morning Austin went out to the bus (it was foggy, but not to bad, at least by us), and 15 minutes later came home, with two friends in tow, all excited of course!!! What a great way to start the school day, two hours of video games with your friends before going to school!!
We need to get back into the habit this year of checking the website if it is at all foggy. No watching the TV and waiting to see your school. The state of Delaware has a school closing site that can be accessed through your districts website, which lists all delays and closings by 4AM - very cool!!!

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Our Little Walker

Bell is walking like a pro!! She spends most of her time on her feet now and very little crawling. She took her first few steps right around her first birthday, and now three weeks later she is walking up a storm!! I took her to Austin's dentist appt today and boy did she tire me out!!
Here is some video of her walking - it has sound, so turn up your speakers. What she is carrying at first is a can of Tomoato soup! She got into our donation bag of food for church for Thanksgiving and just had a great time with the cans.

More later,

Thursday, November 09, 2006

This is why they keep the bathroom door closed!!

I admit it, I am a closet toilet paper junkie. Leave me alone for one minute and I can unroll half a roll quicker than you can imagine!! After my bath on Sunday mom got distracted for one minute and I went to town!! It is such a bummer, now mom keeps the roll up on the counter where I can't play with it!

Pictures !!

The original cake thanks to a power outage!!
My knight and his daughter!!
A beautiful October day in the back yard!
Bell loves to sit on her brother!
Austin and JD carving pumpkins (nice shorts weather!)
Lots of pumpkins for Bell.
Hey, I want to do that too!! Guess I will just throw Lucky his ball instead.
Some daddy LOVE!!

Monday, November 06, 2006

Finally a new post !!!!!

Wow, sorry all that it has been so long!! Time has just gotten away and we have been busy!! So I will start from the birthday and move forward...
Bell had a great 1st birthday!! We went to NY and had a party at mom and dads house. Bell had a fun time, but of course by the time cake came around she was TIRED!! So she cried through the Happy Birthday singing, but as soon as she was in her chair with a piece of Chocolate cake in front of her she was happy as can be. I was holding her, so I didn't get pics of it, hopefully someone will send me some. The kids, and some of the adults dressed in Halloween costumes for the party, which was a blast. Emily was such a cute devil, while "Uncle Nick" made a great pirate. Even Danielle worn a costume, we dubbed modern cowgirl.

It was a quick trip as we left NY EARLY Sunday to get home in time for the Saints game (which we could have just missed with the way they played!).

Halloween was fun. Early in the day Bell and I joined others from the Mothers and More group for a halloween parade and trick or treating at State Street Assisted Living here in Dover. We met a woman named Isabella who was 99 years old!! The seniors had a great time with all of the kids, and the kids had a really fun time as well. Then when dad came home, he and Austin took Bell out trick or treating to the neighbors houses. Austin of course loved this as he is "too old" to trick or treat it was a great way for him to get some candy! Austin and his friend JD carved out our pumpkins on halloween afternoon on the back deck, as the weather here was just beautiful!! Bell was so cute in her Bee costume, more pics...

I have mentioned this before, our neighbors and good friends Brett and Stephanie are moving. Actually they are on a layover in Houston as we speak, on their way to Guam. We have been busy in the past week helping them out and just spending time with them before they left. Friday Austin and I went over and took some video of all of our dogs together before the dogs went to the airport for their flights. We had about 25 people over our house on Saturday for a going away party for them. Actually they threw the party themselves, we just provided the space, as their house was empty already, as well as the blender for smoothies!! Austin and the two girls who live on the other side of Brett's house (Jess and Lindsay) came over and made up signs to hang all over the house. One we hung over the globe said "Where the HECK is Guam?", and we made everyone at the party try and find it on the globe. Brett laughed and said Steph would take the longest to find it, and he was right, she did!!! Then we all went down to the Ice Skating rink for Jessie's 13th birthday party. Yesterday they came over in the evening to watch Sunday night football, and were off to pack up their bags to leave at 1 AM for the airport. We are SO sad to see them go. Since their house has not sold yet, we are still waiting to see who are new neighbors are.

I thought Bell might have outgrown her "get an ear infection every time she gets a tooth" thing when the two bottom ones (to make 4 on bottom) started to pop through, but apparently combined with the one also coming in on top, it was just to much. On Wednesday night she had 103.5 temp, and sure enough we went to the doctor and she has fluid in her left ear. She had a grumpy two days, but after a few days on the antibiotics, she is feeling much better now!Austin got his report card this past week and (as usual) did great and got honors!! We are so proud of him. He is swimming three evening a week, and seems to be enjoying that.

Our church has a annual Spagetti dinner fund raiser each year, which was held yesterday. Don had volunteered to work it with the Knights of Columbus, without really knowing what time it was. So when it turned out it was from 12:00 noon to 5:00 Pm (which is of course when the Saints always play on Sunday), I volunteered to go in his place while he watched the baby. The job was to help the kids clear off the plates before they went into the kitchen to be washed in the "back room". Well he neglected to mention the "back room" was the boiler room where the slop sink was!!! I had two fun kids working with me, so we had a good time, and then Don brought the kids to eat after the Saints KICKED BUT!!! Of course, I then made him chip in and help finish up the clean up at the end. But really, we enjoy the Church and community there, so it was all worthwhile, even though I did not win the $1,200 prize for the 50/50 - bummer!!

And last, but certainly not least on the info update. For anyone who has not heard....... we are expecting again - yeah!! I am about 11 weeks now and our Due date is June 5th. We had a Sonogram last week, and we are having.....

a BABY!!!! (And that is all any of us will know except God until the baby comes!) I am feeling better in the last week, less nausea. Not that I have been feeling really bad at all, just a little more so than with the last two. But I am almost at the end of my 1st trimester, and am feeling less tired and nauseous. We are praying for a heathly pregnancy, like the others have been!!

I am going to try another post to get some pics up, as I seem to be having problems again doing that - Ugh!! That's all for now, I promise to be better about posting more often!!


Monday, October 23, 2006

Teeth, steps and chocolate cake!!!

Everyday is something new with our beautiful little girl. She will be one year old in tomorrow, hard to believe God has given us a full year with her already!!
Bell has two new teeth coming in on the bottom, so now has six in all. But she does just fine with the four that are fully in, as she eats almost everything. This week her new additions were dried Blueberries and pinapple chunks. I think she thought the blueberries were raisins (which she loves), so it was funny to watch her face - you could tell just when she knew they were different. But I guess she decided they are as good as raisins, as she ate them all.
Speaking of eating, I am awaiting some pictures from our neighbor Steph (got them) that they took Sunday night of Bell eating her Birthday cake (our camera is giving us a VERY hard time lately!! ). Anyway, we had a little pizza / Birthday party for Bell Sunday with our friends from Delaware. Bell had a great time playing with her birthday balloon, her new toys and eating her piece of CHOCOLATE cake!! Don did not understand why the first birthday cake had to be chocolate, until he saw his beautiful little girl a mess in chocolate. Everyone should have pictures of them eating their first birthday cake!! I have some great ones of Austin at that age. We had fun making her birthday cake (the first one flopped due to our electric going out half way through cooking it!!)
I really can open a box of cake mix and make a cake, but NOT when the power goes out in the middle of baking it!! Since our oven is electric, the cake looked like a cake with a big glob of pudding in the center. By the time the power came back on it was to late to salvage it, so back to the store for another box of mix!
She is also taking steps everday now!! She took 6 in a row at her party. Mostly she is doing three or four at a time. Not long now and she will be running all over the joint.
Saturday was a beautiful fall day here, clear and a bit cold. I am one of the Activities Coordinators for the local Mothers & More group, and we had set up a family outing day at the local orchards for Saturday. The weather and the turnout were both great! Don was helping out our neighbor Brett finish up putting together his Corvette before they move :((((, so Austin invited his friend JD. Well the boys had so much fun doing the corn maze, painting pumpkins and playing in the grain boxes, they did not want to go home!
We are off to New York on Friday for the weekend and another Birthday Party for Bell. It will be nice to see family and friends on Saturday. But of course, we will be out bright and early to get home to see the SAINTS game. They are having a GREAT SEASON this year!!! GO SAINTS!!
Pics will not post right now - ugh!!

Thursday, October 19, 2006

4 steps !!!!

Don't have much time to write, but just have to share...
Bell took 4 steps tonight (actually she did it twice!!). Both times to her DAD!!

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

My Tuesday update..

This morning Bell did not want anything to do with me. She cried and reached out for daddy. When he picked her up she snuggled up in his arms and almost went back to sleep. Of course he eventually had to give her up to get ready for work, but the she cried again. All she wanted was dad!!! It was such a beautiful sight to see Don holding his little girl. I love the look he gets on his face when he holds her, just so full of love. He was not able to hold her much in the past week due to the surgery on his neck (he had a very fast growing cyst taken off in out patient surgery). He is feeling much better now, with a nice little scar to show for it. When dad leaves for work in the morning I hold Bell at the door so she can wave bye. Dad is the only one she says "eye-eye" to when she waves goodbye.
We finally got the pool covered this weekend and now with all of the rain today will need to pump off the cover. Pools are such fun!! It is supposed to be rainy here all week long. I hope it clears for the weekend.
Bell has made a new friend Roxanne in her playgroup. The group is the 0-1 age group and we meet every Tuesday morning, so some of the ones are babies, and some are Bells age. Bell and Roxy are about the same age, and like to spend the time trying to take each others sippy cups and snack traps. They had a great time chasing Jenny's cat all over today, but never caught him. There are 7 of us and we each take a week hosting it at our house. It is a fun time for the kids to play and the moms to chat. I am learning about the pre-schools and other things for kids to do in the area (from the other moms with older ones). Roxy is already signed up for 2 year old pre-school for next September. I didn't even know there was two year old pre-school. Needless to say we will be doing stay and plays, playgroups, library time and stuff like that at two!!
Austin started swimming yesterday for the winter season (until mid February). He will be swimming three days a week, with meets every other Saturday morning (8:30 AM warm ups - yuck!!). Today they switched specials in school, so he now has gym everyday for two months.
As for me, I have to go ship some packages and do the dishes.....

Monday, October 09, 2006

Beautiful days

Yesterday and today were beautiful!! After two days of cold and rainy weather (we got 1 1/2 inches of rain over two days), the sun and warm weather are so welcome. Today was 85 degrees, on October 9th! Bell had a great time playing outside with the dogs. She has a little picnic table that she is now big enough to climb on, so she does. She loves to give kisses, although they are mostly to the dogs! You know how little kids give kisses, with their mouths wide open, they dogs don't hesitate to lick her up. But she gives as good as she gets by playing in their water bowls!!

Don and I worked on the pool today while she played, after finally tracking down the manufacturer of the pool (almost impossible if you do not know the make and model!!). It is almost ready to be covered for the winter, but today we were wishing the water was a little warmer to go for a swim.

I am in the process of staining a bookshelf that I picked up at a yard sale to store her toys in the living room. As you can see, her car needs a new home as well, other than next to the end table!! Boy is she quick, one moment she was playing with her car, and the next she was tossing stuff off of the table. Our little climber.

More later, time for bed now!

Monday, October 02, 2006

Up, Up, and Away

Isabella is standing on her own all of the time now. Of course I sat on the floor for a half an hour this evening trying to get a picture, but could not get it fast enough before she fell down. She is reaching out for things while standing and will be taking that first step any day now!! She also now knows how to get down steps as well as up them and off of the couch. Then again she also knows how to climb from her little car onto the end table next to the couch.

Austin is doing great in school, interim report grades were all 94 and above, with two 100 grades!! He really seems to like his new school, except for carrying his backpack all day as his locker is so far away from everything! Austin and I took the dogs to Saint John's church on Sunday afternoon for the Blessing of the Pets. There were about 25 dogs there and a few cats. Then we took them to the park and had them jumping over the benches. To round out the day, Austin got to vacuum out all of the dog hair from Dons car. Don and Bell stayed home to watch the Saints game :( - they lost, but with a 3:1 record are off to a good start this year - GO SAINTS!

I have been busy with the business. Last week I had quite a few local customers come to the house to try on - and buy :) carriers, a great customer of mine who is a photographer is coming here tomorrow to do a photo shoot of some new carriers (and my two babywearing friends Lori and Virginia and their babes are going to be my models), and Saturday I am doing a local children health fair. Keeping busy and having fun.

We are all so sad that our next door neighbors will be moving in a few weeks (to Guam of all places!). They have been great to us over the past year, and we will miss them (and their three dogs). We are hoping and praying for nice new neighbors, who hopefully have dogs that get along with ours!

That's it for now, more pictures soon!

Monday, September 25, 2006

My sister Sue....

It is amazing that after 16 years, you can still miss someone when they are gone from your life. Today was my sister Sue's birthday, September 25th, 1960. I wish I had a picture of her to post here, but that was before the digital age, and I have never gotten to scan any in.
When we were at moms a few weeks ago we found my copy of the family video. We kids had the old reel tapes put onto video for mom and dad years ago (what we really need to do is now transfer it to disk). Dave and Denise came in and we got a kick out of watching some of it. It is so funny as the tapes are all out of order, so you go from Dan running track in high school to us playing with the bunny rabbit in the backyard, to my 8th grade dance dress (red with white polka dots - how could I forget that!!), to Sue being in her school play. It was fun to watch and Austin had not seen it since he was a kid.
Anyway, I was just sitting here looking at my beautiful daughter, Isabella Susan and remembering what a beautiful, loving sister I had - how so very special she was in everyone's life that she touched!

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Bell's Birthday WISH LIST

Hi all,
Bell’s first Birthday is fast approaching. We cannot believe this first magical, wonderful year has gone by so fast!! She is crawling like crazy and will soon enough be up and walking.
As you know our home is small, and big toys take up space, so we just wanted you to know that we already have a walker and car for her. We are NOT asking you to specifically purchase anything on her list, this is just a WISH LIST and ideas.
Books, music (she loves music!!), learning toys (stacking, colors, ect..), wooden toys, large blocks (mega blocks) are all great ideas.
Bell is set for clothes for this winter (with the exception of some long sleeve onsies – Size 12 months), and for the next year ahead (thanks to Morgan, Katie and Emily) and I only have so much drawer space.
Please NO Barney or Tellatubbies (Say what you will, but we will respect Don’s wishes on this one!)
I put a few web address’s for deals where I found them. We do not have any problems with pre-loved CD’s or DVDs if you can get them on Amazon or Ebay any cheaper.

I WILL NOT read the comments on this post, so if you get something on this list it would be great to come back here and post it under the comments so that others know not to buy it.

Lori Berkner
We are . . . The Laurie Berkner Band - DVD
Buzz Buzz – Music CD
Victor Vito – Music CD

Signing Time
http://www.1010mlm.com/signingtime.html (bonus CD w/ DVDs)
We are looking to get Vol 1,2 and 3 of the DVD
And the Vol 1-3 music CD

Other Stuff
Lots of good stuff in the 1-3 age group category at the Play Cottage site: Any of the Jumbo Knob puzzles, Water Blocks, Fun Hammer Balls, Oval Xylophone, Concherta, Geometric Sorting Board.

Veggie Tales DVDs
Baby Einstein DVDs

Robeez Shoes
Free S&H at Bippity Boppity Baby
Booties – Pink 6-12 months
Trainers – Pastel Pink 12-18 months
Sandals – Pink 12-18 months
Hearts – Brown 12-18 months

It's my birthday I'm 12 !!

It's Austin today posting this to tell u about my birthday party. Ok the people that were invited to my party were from left Kyle, Austin, Tyler, and J.D. My party started at 1:00 pm on Saturday and ended at 1:00 pm the next day. On the 23rd we went to Dave and Busters and won 4400 tickets. Then we went back to my house to have a sleep over. We stayed up until 4:00 AM and then finally fell asleep. When we all woke up we played video games on the Gamecube and on our D.S's. When J.D finally left at 5:00 because he asked to stay longer I was finally ready to go back to bed. For presents I got a mp3 player a few D.S games and one ps2 and Gamecube game and a wireless controller. I also got at least $75, overall my birthday was really GREAT and I had a lot of fun.

Friday, September 22, 2006

Our Little Cookie Monster.....

As I posted yesterday, here is what you get when an (almost!!) 12 year old hangs out in his room with a friend and forgets to clean up after himself. Bell crawled out of her room and was roaming the house. This is all good, as long as the dog dishes are up on the table. But she was to quiet, so I went in search of her. And I saw just a foot sticking out as I looked into Austins room. And there she was, cookie in both hands, discarded ones already on the floor, having the time of her life!!! Mind you this was only about a half hour after her bath. Needless to say, she LOVES oreos.

Grandma T. has gotten Bell a whole bunch of books, and we read all the time. As space is tight in Bell's room (with her sharing it with our office at the moment), we have gotten creative as to storage. The bottom of Bell's changing table used to hold clothes, then she learned to stand and would pull them all out every day. Now the clothes are all in the closet and dresser, and the changing table holds books and toys. This works great as she can reach everything, and they are easy to see and put away!! We take out the toy basket on the bottom shelf and she empties out all of the toys and then climbs from the basket to the shelf and back again, over and over. She is just to cute, and really is good at solo play. Oh, and she climbed from her car onto the coffee table today - YIKES!!

Tomorrow Austin turns 12!!!

Late night thoughts...

I went to bed about 11 pm, but just could not sleep, Don had no such problems and is fast asleep. As he should be after work all day. It's about 1:20 AM, and I just finished up some updates to my website and getting out my Fall newsletter - things that are so hard to do with Bell underfoot. Sometimes late at night affords a nice quite solid block of time, no "mom" from Austin, or dogs barking - just the keyboard tapping away. The only person I know might also be up is my mom, but hopefully she is sleeping sound tonight. I would also included my mother in law in this, but with her computer crashed she may actually be getting sleep these days at this time of night!
Mom is feeling a little better everyday according to our phone conversations (she was in a car accident last week). I thank God she came out of it without major injuries, just the car got totaled. It is times like these that it is hard to be so far from our family (and friends!!). I am really looking forward to our October trip to New York for Bells birthday.
Last trip to New York was really a trip to New Jersey. Our plans changed last minute with Gina's grandmothers passing, so we went to visit Don's Aunt Nell (really great aunt) over in Phillipsburg, NJ (as close to the PA border as you can get). It was a really wonderful visit, as we have been exchanging cards, but had yet been able to meet IRL. She is a wonderful woman, and we had a great visit with her, and then went out to dinner with Dons parents. It was nice for them to get to spend some time with Bell. We spent a few fun hours on Sunday with Nick and his family on the way home. It was a BEAUTIFUL day and we met then in Hoboken Park. They have this one section totally designed for little kids, and Bell had a blast as everything was her size. I have never seen see saws so small. We do not get to see them often enough, especially seeing as both guys are godfathers to each others daughters.
I have been so busy lately, I feel like I am busier now then when I had a full time job. No complaints, I love it! I joined the local Mothers and More group and right away got sucked into a committee. I am helping to plan all of the activities from the group for the year, and getting to meet a lot of new moms along the way. Next week Bell will start a play group with the 0-1 year olds (and I ended up as group leader there as well). And with Don as a Knight of Columbus I of course have been getting the "when are you becoming a Columbiette" question from the ladies all the time. So, they have my application and check, but I am not sure how much free time I will have to give.
I am trying, with this beautiful fall weather, to get out on the bike everyday with Bell, and soon Austin will start swimming 3 afternoons a week. He started the Teen challenge RE program at church this year, and got to pick which 20 hours of activities (plus three 4 week classes) he wanted to participate in. The kids get to pick from things like spending a day making a quilt to go to someone who is sick, to community service days, to movie night. He liked the movie night until he read that you then have to discuss how they are relevant to the church, but I still think he signed up for it!!
Well, the original thought was to come on and post some pictures of Bell, but now I am going to bed. Tomorrows post will be titled "Cookie Monster"... just imagine. You 12 year old brother leaves a package of Oreo cookies on the floor in his room and you find them before moms knows about it.....pictures to follow.

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Dinner and bedtime...

Evening all,
Food is always interesting in our home.
Don makes the BEST sauce !! Two weeks ago he made it with sausage and meatballs (and tomatoes from MY garden I might add), so we have been having great meals of eggplant parm (also from my garden), ravioli and pasta. Next time he promises ox tails again, yum!
Austin, has been such a picky eater for so long - mom remember when he used to eat raw broccoli at the grocery store with you!! Well under much duress he has finally begun to spread his wings and try burgers, pizza and Bologna!!
Bell on the other hand has no such food issues at 10 months old. For those who don't know, she did NOT like baby food and has been eating table food since 7 months.
Tonight dinner was (and in this order I might add):

  • Cut up chicken cutlet
  • 1/2 pear
  • a hunk of chedder cheese
  • Cream of Broccoli soup
  • 2 tater tots (curtesy of Austin)
  • and yogurt covered raisins

Here she is at dinner tonight....

And then.... she sleeps!!

Isn't she just beautiful!!

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Our little Dare Devil...

Hi all,
Bell LOVES to climb!! I am sure she would love a set of stairs in our house, but has to make due with the deck ones (powerwashing them is a fall project) and the pull down attic steps. She loves getting on and off her horse, and she just got a little car / walker and loves it!! Today she found out she can stand on it, and now does not want to sit on it, but STAND on the seat all the time. She has no fear.

(Clicking on any picture will let you see a bigger version of it and download it to your computer).

Bell has made a friend named Garrin, who is 7 months old. Garrin's mom Lori and I are friends and the kids are having a lot of fun together (thanks to Lori for the idea for the blog, she is doing one for Garrin too!). This is from our visit to Garrin's house on Dover Air Force Base last week.

We are getting ready for Austin's birthday next weekend. He is having a sleep over with 4 friends (yes, I am crazy!). The school birthday cut off is earlier here than in NY, so he is really the youngest kid in his class and can't wait to turn 12.
That's all for now,
Don and Karen