Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Cape Cod

We had a great, although short, vacation in Cap Cod last week - around a one day trip Don needed to make to MA for work.

Austin and Lina playing at the park
Daddy and Bell with squirt guns at the beach.

Lina playing in the sand

Bell had a great time in hte water, she is really becoming a water rat!

Still a kid at heart....

Checking out the fiddler crabs daddy caught

Late afternoon at the beach - the girls and Austins sand castle

Love them!

Andrew our guide showing us some of the crabs and fish we found in hte tidal flats at the Wildlife Sanctuary in Wellfleet. Lina conked out, so it was a good thing we had carriers.

All the kids got nets and Bell had a great time wading around catching fish and crabs.

Checking out the horseshoe crabs

The girls had a great time...

Look what I found mom.. she was not very happy when I told her it was a sancutary, so she had to leave the shells at the beach.

Uncle Jim and Aunt Loretta's house in Chatham, beautiful!!

The girls.

Of course we could not miss the Cape Cod potato chip factory tour!

Enjoying the free chips :)

Such a teenager

The girl entertaining us on hte way home with vacation bible school songs!!
Hanging in the jacuzzi tub after swimming at the hotel. We got upgraded to a "suite" becasue of Priority Club, nice!!

Lina swimming on the steps at the pool, it was a saltwater pool. It was great really, you could barely tell it was saltwater and no chlorine burn. We were in the pool 3 times, for TWO hours each time!!

Bell had a blast! She loves jumping in the pool and was swimming 4 or 5 strokes at a time by teh end of the trip!! I will try and post a video of her swimming.

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