Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Our artists

On Sunday we went out to breakfast after Mass. The restuaraunt (diner type) that we like to go to when we do go out has white paper placemats. And since mom always has crayons in hte diaper bag, we usually color. While I was teaching Bell how to color a sun and a person, Asutin was using his 60 second sketching he has been doing in Art class at school to color Bell. She was wearing her gold and black Saints jacket. Take a look.................

Cool, right?

Here is Bell's very first drawing on her own!!! I started the sun for her and she did the rest of it (the very straight lines are mine :)), and then she drew some flowers on the left, and Austin on the right. This is hte first time she has drawn a person!! (Proud mamma!!)
Here is a close up of Austin!!
Daddy drew a school bus on Lina's mat and she colored it purple.
My artists!!!

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