Monday, December 22, 2008

Santa on the Fire Truck

Friday night we were at the Church Hall making cookies. Austin needs to complete community service hours both for school and for making his Confirmation in the Fall, so the teens were making cookies and will bring them to hte nursing home next weekend. Bell and Lina came as well becasue Don was working late. The girls made a tray of peanutbutter cookies and that was enough cookie making for them (and me - we made a mess!!).
Around 7 pm we heard really loud sirens, it sounded like the Hall was on fire, they were so close. When we looked out the window, it was a line of fire trucks coming down the street with Santa on one of them. So we ran outside and the firemen gave the girls candy canes. The photographer for the local paper just happened to be taking pictures of Santa right then, so he took some pics of the girls and sent them to us, and said they may be in the local paper.

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