Monday, July 30, 2007

Smiles, Sunshine and Shelly....

Angelina is growing so fast!!! This week she is really recognizing faces and smiling when she sees us. She is cooing and laughing as well, and is just SOOO cute!! Daddy got some pics of her smiling at me yesterday.

Itsn't she just so cute!!

We are spending a lot of time out on the deck when the days are sunny. Bell loves to play in her little pool. She loves it so much that when she is in the house and wants to go in the pool, she takes off her clothes and diaper and says over and over "suit on, I go pool". Onies with snaps are the greatest invention, as she can't get those off yet!

Daddy brought home a "present for the kids" last week. He found it (we think "it" is a her) at work and thought it would be a fun pet. We named her Shelly - yes we are now the proud owners of an Eastern Painted Turtle. Of course, until we looked up what kind of turtle it was, we did not know she was an aquatic turtle. So our pond out front has turned into a turtle pond. That is OK, we keep killing all the fish anyway!! Bell loves to stand on the couch and watch Shelly crawl around outside (looking for a way to get out and run away!!). The fencing will keep Shelly in and Bell OUT of the pond!!

Bell in action......

She loves her glasses!

Daddy and Bell reading Dr Seauss!

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