Sunday, April 15, 2007

This week is dedicated to daddy...

Don left this afternoon for a week in NJ, he will not be back until Saturday evening. They have a big plant shutdown at work and he needs to be in early and put in long hours each day, so it just makes the most sense for him to be there. But we will miss him and he will miss us. So this week Bell will write to daddy everyday! (I hate when he goes away, but feel blessed it is not that often, OK so a week later he is going to Arkansas for 4 days as well. My friend Lori down here just learned her husband will soon be deployed for 6 months and they have a 1 year old, so I can't complain!)

Hi daddy,
I was busy playing with my cars when you left, but stopped for long enough to say goodbye and blow you a kiss, and then right back to playing. Mommy says you took this picture of me while I was sleeping today, I love my Lucky dog to sleep with! I hope you did not get to wet in the rain and you call to say night-night to me later.

Mommy let me type this all on my own on the new computer at mommies new work desk, and then Austin and I played "foot fight" on the couch. I need to get bigger so I can beat him.

Now it is time for bed!!

Love you daddy,

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