Monday, March 19, 2007

I wish we could have done Baltimore the way we have wanted to, a weekend with beautiful weather and spending some time exploring the inner harbor. Another time....
Of course this weeknd was 32 degrees out!! I was at the Convention Center all day Saturday and Sunday, but had a lot of fun and did great business!!! Vendors were complaining that it was slow on Saturday, but I was busy all day long. One of the events coordinators told me I had the busiest table in the hall!! I really love being able to show moms in real life how great baby carriers can be, and there was tons of pregnant and new moms there. Perfect venue for me.
Saturday Don took the kids to the National Aquarium, and it sounds like they had a fun time! The aquarium is all people movers and escalators, so no strollers - so it worked out good that Don had HIS Mei Tai carrier to wear Bell in. After I was done, they came and picked me up for dinner (corned beef on Saint Pats Day!!), and then we went back to the hotel for some fun in the pool. I was in bed by 9 pm because I was SO tired. Sunday was another good day at the show, and Don ended up driving home earlier than I did to get a little down time before going off to NJ for the night. Harold came back to work today - yeah for Don!!!
This morning Bell got her bath, and while I was cleaning up the bathroom, she was running around naked. Well in the minutes time I was in the bathroom she got up on the kitchen table (again!!). She was sitting up there, naked as can be, eating grapes out of the bag on the table, juice running down her nice clean front, and when she saw me said over and over "grapes"!! I miss my camera. She just LOVES to climb these days. And she is saying SO many new words. This weeks new ones are : grapes, chair, soda (that comes from daddy drinking DDP, not me!!), apple, juice, nap, moon, stars, windy. It is amazing that she can say so many of the words she can sign, it seems to have really helped her pick up words quicker! One of her favorite words now is dirty (or doooorty as she says it). If she gets the slightest thing on her hands, they are dooorty!!

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