Thursday, February 15, 2007

They grow up so fast!

Everyone says it "they grow up so fast". But it really is so true!
It is hard to believe sometimes that my little baby boy is almost a teenager. He has always been such an independent one, when he was small I used to put the bowls, cereal and some spoons on a bottom cabinet shelf and the milk in the bottom shelf of the fridge. When he woke up on Saturday mornings he would make his bowl of cereal on the kitchen floor and go watch cartoons. Now he does his whole morning routine and some mornings he only comes in to say goodbye if I am not out of bed yet! (But most mornings I am up with my "boys" to see them off for the day!!). So when he asked me on the night before Valentine's Day, "mom, am I allowed to have a girlfriend?", he almost knocked me down! My little boy is growing up!!
Bell is also growing into a real toddler these days! She loves to play with her dolls and asks to carry her doll like mommy carries her all of the time. Hopefully this will help her transition when mommy has a new baby to carry! She puts on her doll and plays, walks around and then stops to pat it on the back and signs and says "doll". She knows probably 50 signs now and can really comunicate so much with us, and everyday almost is saying new words (or what passes for words from a 15.5 month old). We know what she is saying anyway. She has yet to come up with a word for her brother, but calls his friend JD (who is here A LOT), "AD". Right now she is walking around saying "y-et" to the dogs. This means quiet, which she hears mommy say to the dogs when they are barking a lot. So when they bark, she says Y-ET, loud!!
They really do grow up so fast!!!

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