Tuesday, September 14, 2010

First Day of Pre-school and some biking pictures

Bell looks mad in this picture, but really she was happy - not sure what the look was about?
Anyway, Bell started school yesterday and Lina today (on Tuesdays they both go - WOO HOO, 2.5 hours free for me - that is why the blog is getting updated :)). Bell also goes M and W and Lina goes by herself on Thurs - so everyone gets some one on one time with mommy.
We started last week setting the alarm clock in the morning, putting out clothes for the week in the hanging cubbies in their closet (they can pick any outfit from the cubbies each day) and having breakfast as soon as we get up to get ready for school. Yesterday I had a few tears with Lina about clothes, but today was smooth. Bell was mad when she got up that "the alarm clock never went off mommy!". Until I explained to her it was 6:50 and her clock was set for 7:25, so it was still to early for it to go off!!!

Well Lina was happy here..........
and proud to show off their backpacks..........

But not so happy actually going in........... but she must have stopped crying at some point becasue they did not call me to come get her............
I thought Bell was going to be able to walk her in and walk her to her classroom, but they changed how they got the kids this year. The teachers came out and split up the two classes. So much for trying to prepare her, I think that glitch got her upset, although truthfully I did expect some tears from her - that is just Lina! Both my little girls in school.........WOW.

Bell is doing things in leaps and bounds! She is loving riding her bike and doing a great job at it.

Gravy.............. first time in about two years!!!

Hot sausage, sweet sausage, meatballs, bracciole and ox tails!! I was actually ALLOWED to help with the browning of hte meat, usually I am banned from the kitchen. This is Dons once (maybe twice if I am lucky) cooking weekend!! YUMMMMM.....

And LOTS of sauce - in Grandma's pots of course!!!
My freeze is full and am hoping for a lasagna baking maybe this weekend??

Mini vacation in Delaware..........

Don was on vacation all last week. We started off on Labor Day weekend with a 3 day trip down to Delaware and had a blast! (Then he came home and made sauce, set up the stereo, worked on his car and watched football!!)
We spent Satruday at the beach in Rehobooth with the Felkers (when I forgot my camera and have no pics), fun day and then went back to their house for dinner and cards (until 2 AM!!).
Sunday we went to Saint Bernadette's for church and saw lots of old friends. It is nice when you go up to communion and the preist says "hi, how are you doing" before giving you communion! We really miss that parish! Then off to Browns Branch park for a BBQ with the Felkers nad Pinders.
We brought lots of food ,but no BBQ untensils (BRAD!).

So the brand new set of wrenches in Don's car got put to use!
You know you are redneck when you BBQ with the same tools you use to fix your car!!

And they made a ahndy fork as well (we did have plastic forks).

On monday the Felkers came over to the hotel to swim and hang out with us before we drove home. The hotel was practically empty and we had the pool all to ourselves.
dalton and Maddox.

Mommy and Lina (I gave Don hte camera to take some pics, you don't get to see many pics of me becasue I am always taking them).

The dry crew, Heather and Don (oh, Don pulled a muscle REALLY bad in the waves at the beach on Saturday and was hurting all weekend).

Austins complaint, the pool towels are TOO small!!

Brad helping Jason agree to get his picture taken :)
Great weekend with AWESOME friends........ hopefully we will be seeing them here for the Saints - Cowboys game in november!!

Bell was being SOOO persistent! There was a bunny in a cage at the hotel (behind Bell and Phoenix in the picture) Bell wanted each of the kids to get out of hte pool and see it with her, and she kept at htem until they did!!

Ye Olde Renaissance Faire

Hang the Treasonous Creatin!!
But don't hang us..........

The girls dressed at little princesses and had a fun time (but we did pick a REALLY hot day to go!).

Hmmm, not sure they had Italian Ices back then?

Cheyenne painted the girls faces at home and we wore our own wreaths on hteir heads so as not to spend too much money there.