Monday, May 17, 2010

Tree cutting day

Sunday was tree cutting day! The big tree that fell over hte winter needed to go!! Dons parents and Uncle Ed came to help, and what a HUGE help they were!! THANK YOU, mom, dad and Unc!!!

Don with his new tool he got for Christmas, just in time for a huge tree to fall in the yard!! Ready to cut up some firewood!!
And cut,

And cut some more!! Unc, Dad and Mom were great wood movers and pilers.

Can you say "SUPERVISE" Uncle Ed :)

The girls had a picnic and watched with their new Fancy Nancy Tea Party book, thanks to Grandma!!


Not much babywearing goes on in our house these days, but Saturday Lina was SUPER cranky right when daddy was going to mow, so up she went (very happily I might add!). Don used to ride Bell on his back mowing all the time in DE. Bell of course had to get in on hte action, so daddy kept both girls busy while being productive.

Daddy, Lina and Bell
Sleeping girl!!

Peek a boo!

Chyenne had the dool home from school that cries, so Austim wore him while taking the dogs for a walk! I think someday he will be a babywearing dad (a LONG, LONG time from now!)

Nice hair man!

Hanging out with Emma

Last week we (the girls) went down to DE for hte weekend. Mommy got to go on a Scanverger Hunt and Massage/Wine/Dessert nights out with my friends!! While the GREAT dads (Brad and Bill) each watched the girls one evening. The girls had a great time seeing their friend Landon and hte gang at the Felkers on Friday night while Heather and I went out, while they spent time with Emma Saturday and Sunday while Virginia and I went out Saturday night. GREAT weekend had by all!!

Emma, Lina and Bell on the trampoline
Nice hair Lina!

My beautiful girls!

Playdough, have to love it...........

Pepe taking a nap on napping Lina!!


LOVE this pic!! Totally unplanned, just sitting on the bench outside of church.
Making funny faces ;<)

And giving hugs

Last dat of Religion class for Bell, they had a May Day procession and sang songs, very cute! Of course I missed most of hte procession because htey did not tell us ahead of time this was happening and I chose that day to spend extra time in church...........

OK, so some of the kids got the songs :)

PINKALICIOUS - what a great time!!

The girls just LOVE hte Pinkilicious book that Grandma gave them (thanks Grandma T!!). So when I saw it was being produced by hte local college theater group, we just had to go. It was so much fun, for hte kids and grown ups alike!! No photos during hte show, but here are some before.

They wore their pink dresses!!

Lina sat on the egde of her seat the whole show!

In the flower garden !!

Our walk by the pond

Early April we took an Explorer walk by a nearby pond.

The girls had a great time examing the pond,
walking the boardwalk,

and we found ant hills,

and clover,

and had a snack.
THEN we picked off ticks! Not a good place to go in shorts and skirts, note for next time!

OK, so I am a little behind.............
Easter egg hunt in 36 degree weather!! BRRRRR......

The Barry Grandkids :)
Proof of the 2010 egg contest winner (because we can never remember who won the year before) - Uncle Dan!!!

My little bunnies

And my big one too :)