Thursday, December 17, 2009

Isabella and Grandma at her Pre K Christmas Concert.
She was SOOO cute!!

Grandma and Lina waiting for the singing to start...........

I think that is kind of a smile????

They were very cute, will post video when it finishes loading!!

Sunday, December 13, 2009


This morning we went to breakfast with Santa at Saint Stephens after Mass. Santa spent time with each child talking to them before they sat on his lap so they would be comfortable. Both girls sat on his lap (with me there of course!!).

Lina got a little scared when Santa asked her what she wanted :)

Bell was more than happy to tell him "A pillow pet, UNICORN please". to which Lina piped up and said "ME TOO"!!!

Very sad daddy had to work this morning and missed Santa :(

Sunday, December 06, 2009

The wood PILE

The wood was supposed to come on Saturday, but the guy delivering it lives down the mountian and got stuck on the way up!! I guess I would rather have it on top of the snow than covered by it!! So this is the original pile...........
I stacked a bunch today............

But the pile does not seem to be getting much smaller!!! Guess we will be working on it this week, since my "supposed to be helper" was sick today :(

Saturday, December 05, 2009

Roses and stained glass - THANK YOU

Thanks mom for the beautiful piece of stained galss for the transom in our bedroom!! As you can see it works perfect in this spot. It looks so pretty when the light is on behind it - THANK YOU!!
And thanks Mom and Dad Tuscano for the beautiful roses for our anniversary!! They look and small so nice - THANK YOU!!

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow.............

Today we had our first big snowfall at our new "mountianside" home!! We are def on the mountian, they predicted 1-2 inches and so far we have 8 and it is still snowing!! The girls had a blast outside today :)

Lina using our snow measuring stick - 2 inches at the time.
Our snowLADY! I have two snowman making kits somewhere (eyes, fake carrot nose, scarf and hat) but could I find them, NO of course not - we made due..........

Well, if I have to be outside in the cold, might as well warm up and toast marshmellows!!!

The girls taking a break from the snow in the Tiki Hut, eating marshmellows and watching a cartoon. LOVE our Tiki Hut!!! So glad I got the girls snow pants & boots (at the Thrift shop!!), we are going to get a LOT of use out of them!!

She had so much fun in the snow!!!

Bell and Frosty.

Our stream in the snow, very pretty.

My angel making a snow angel.

And we all know how much daddy loves the snow, NOT!!! This was as close as he got, looking out the mudroom door at his girls :) At least he was home and not working, yeah!!!

Even Austin ventured out to enjoy hte snow (and walk the dogs).