Sunday, December 16, 2007

Message for Daddy

Hi Daddy!!!
When I woke up from my nap there was a BIG Chirstmas Tree in the living room. I helped mommy put presents (she called them ornaments) on the tree today, doesn't it look pretty!! Mommy gave me all the plastic ones and I tried to put them all on the same branch. It has a Angel way UP HIGH, UP TOP!!
Mommy gave me a baby Jesus and baby Jesus house to play with. I keep putting the cow and camel on the roof. Mommy also put up socks by the computer. She called them stocking, but I keep calling them socks - way UP HIGH!
We miss you daddy!! Mommy says you have to work all night tonight, but she is making me go to bed :(
When you come home on Wednesday you can see the tree and then we can get to spend lots of time together, yeah!!!
LOVE YOU daddy,
Bell (and Lina too!)

Feet ????

So I was uploading pictures and came across this one on the camera. One guess who Austin gests his feet from??? (OK, NO, the answer is NOT me, but it is my side of the family!!)

Visitors from Colorodo

Don's life long friend Rosie and husband Walt came to visit yesterday. Don was so excited to get to see tehm, it has been a long time! It was really nice for me, as I had never gotten to meet them. They were in DC for a Christmas party and drove over to Delaware to see us and take us to dinner - so cool!! We had a great visit - Don ended up being called into work on Saturday (OK alll weeknd actually, but this was Saturday), so we got to get to know each other waiting for him to get home.
Rosie if you read this, just remember Don will remember the saddle when we make it out your way!! And Walt, no matter how much you rub, it is not going to grow back!

Sitting and sleeping...

Mmmmm, should I read the book or eat it!! Angelina is now sitting (with a pillow behind her as she loves to kick her legs and falls over!)

Look at these two sleep!! Can you imagine being able to sleep in these positions?????

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Merry Christmas....

Hey Mrs. C, it that Bell real gold???

Bell thinks Santa is great, just not enough to actually sit on his lap!!

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving from us

Wheels on the bus AND Happy Thanksgiving!!

My Sir Knight

Don made his 4th Degree with the Knights of Columbus last weekend. It was a full day event ending up with a formal dinner and presentation of the canidates. Here are some pictures of my VERY handsome husband!!!!

My handsome husband.

Steve, Don and Don. Three Knights from Don's council who took their 4th Degree together.

We have not worn a tux and a gown since our wedding!!

Happy Thanksgiving!!

We hope you all had a very good Thanksgiving and we missed you all today!! It was nice to spend a quiet day, especially since Don has been gone so much lately. The girls got to spend time with Daddy, and daddy got to watch football!!
Isabella says "Happy Thanksgiving" to everyone!!

Sunset last night in our yard (this is looking out the side door). Beautiful!!!

Angelina started on solids this morning, and she LOVED them!! So opposite Bell, who really did NOT like eating from a spoon, Lina seems to really like it and holds it well too!! Look at that face :)

The girls at breakfast this morning.

Lina having banana in the mesh holder, she did good with this too!!

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Tuesday, November 20, 2007


Check out Lina!!!!

The girls hamming it up with Bells dress up clothes!

Bell on her new bike for her birthday. No pedals!!

Kirsten, Morgan and Bell playing with Bells new instruments in Uncle Eds apt on Bells birthday.

Bell and her birthday cake - TWO years old!!!!
Much neater than old year old!!

Gianna Barry and Angelina at their new house, it is beautiful (as are the girls!).

Austin with Emily, Gianna and Katie on Grandpa's "downstairs" bed at Bells birthday.

Bell in her halloween costume.

Our little fairy!!!!

Big brother Austin pushing around the Ballerina on Halloween.

And last, but certianly not least, daddy has wanted to learn to play an instrument for a long time. And yes, that is a BANJO!!! He will start his lessons soon.....
Can you tell he loved his present????

Lots of updating from the past month! Sorry, it has been very hectic, and the camera went MIA for ahile (between the cushions of the couch it turns out).

Birthdays and Halloween: Lots going on in late October around here. Bell turned TWO and daddy got a year older as well. We had a great weekend in NY / NJ with the families.

More later,

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Thumb and feet

Lina has found her thumb and feet! She wakes up in the morning and talks to herself in her crimb. She grabs her feet and ends up sucking on her BabyLegs! Wow, our little girl is getting so big!

Little Babywearers!

Isabella (center) had a playdate with her two friends Roxy and Rachel on Wednesday. The girls all wanted to push the doll stroller, so I asked Bell if she wanted to carry her doll. So she brought me her purple wrap and said "wrap on back mommy" :) - my little babywearer!!
Well the other girls thought it was cool, as their mom carries brother baby Charlie in a Hotsling. Luckily we have a few kids carriers for Bell (and a bunch of dolls!), so the girls had a great time carrying the dolls and playing. When I switched the doll to Rachels back (in the pink strap Mei Tai), she carried the doll until her mom came, and was not happy to have to give it up. They all carried and nursed their baby dolls, it was so CUTE! A whole new generation of babywearers!!

They all wanted to try back carries!

Fun at the Farm


We had a fun day at the local farm last weekend. You can see Bell was worn out after climbing in the hay castle, playing in the soy bean box (think sand box) and painting her pumpkin with her brother Austin.

Hey Grandpa - We LOVE the GHOST!!! It looks so cool in our front yard!!